Nanu is a food brand with a deep heritage in Mexico. The team at Cherry Bomb Creative took the brand beyond modern and into a place of timelessness where the heritage is honored while the vibe is over the top fun.
Nanu’s defining characteristic for the logo is it’s curved, thick typography. It’s bold and fun all at the same time. It feels hand crafted which correlates to the brand’s products and methodologies.
Accompanying this core typography is a oval shaped mark that features arching hands surrounding a giving plant/tree element. It’s unique, and beautiful and tied to a deeper meaning of “Hugging oneself.”
The packaging design and layouts carry the whimsy established in the logo to create a mix of heritage and modernism with bright, vibrant colors leading the way.
What really makes this all shine is the photography of the elements and how they’re oversaturated with high contrast. It feels nearly polaroid but with flavor. Such a great way to showcase the work.