Orpheus & The Raven wine beverage branding & package design

Orpheus & The Raven wine beverage branding & packaging design by Bravo Brands

Merging classic pen and ink, gravure illustrations with foil finishing techniques, the team at Bravo Brands creates a stellar brand family of packaging designs for the Orpheus & The Raven wines. Although these are all treated as separate projects, I did pull them together to showcase the beauty of building a brand’s visual language across […]

The Magician

Branding archetypes - The Magician

From the forthcoming book, Mass Behaving: Unlocking the Secrets of Shifting Behaviors with Archetypes. Learn more here.  The third archetype within the Change quadrant brings a sense of mystery and alchemy to the mix. The Magician is a force that uses metamorphosis to usher in the new and change perceptions. Brands that leverage The Magician are enigmatic […]

Up & Gas sparkling drinks beverage branding

Up & Gas sparkling drinks beverage branding and packaging design by Nord Brands

Many drink brand promote hydration and refreshment but fall into the cliche colorways expected of such claims: blues. The brand identity for Up & Gas, a startup sparkling beverage brand in Brazil takes a different approach that feels more in the category of citrus. With strong yellow-green, seafoam, and deep greens as the color palette, […]

P1 Bouche bakery branding

P1 Bouche bakery restaurant branding by Brand Brothers

Baking is a mix of chemistry, art, and magic in my opinion and when those elements converge, the beauty of baked goods comes to life. It’s perfectly imperfect and that’s the basis for the visual identity for P1 Bouche by Brand Brothers. P1 Bouche is a bakery in Paris France not far from the famed […]

Clave Coffee branding & packaging design

Clave Coffee beverage branding and packaging design by Alison Almeida

This week is all about the big, bold, compressed typography apparently. Alison Almeida’s branding and packaging design work is one more example of how strong typography can establish a brand boldly and effectively. Clave is a coffee producer in Brazil that believes in the power of the shared ritual of coffee. The identity is built […]

Lineage Bakery restaurant branding

Lineage Bakery restaurant branding by Poolboy Studio

Last week this project not only caught my eye, it demanded my attention. Something struck me about the suite of images for this bakery rebrand. I think it was its beigeness and how the team at Poolboy found a way to make it anything but vanilla. The identity evolution for Lineage Bakery was driven by […]

Gallus Whisky branding & package design

Gallus Whisky branding and package design by Denomination

In the world of design, maximalism seems to be taking hold as the trend of the hour. Stickers and seals and graphic elements that impede on headlines. It’s an era of whirling dervishes that overloads the senses. While I’m not calling that a bad thing, the flood of this type of work makes restrained, precision-focused […]

Vero True Food restaurant branding

Vero True Food restaurant branding by Crown Creative

Natural colors can be absolutely gorgeous. Especially when they celebrate the beauty of produce like fruits and vegetables. In an effort to establish Vero, a restaurant brand in Northern Ireland, as a clean, natural brand, the team at Crown Creative took inspiration from natural colors. Deep greens serve as a basis for the brand’s identity […]

The Sage

Branding archetypes - The Sage

From the forthcoming book, Mass Behaving: Unlocking the Secrets of Shifting Behaviors with Archetypes. Learn more here.  The Sage represents a belief that knowledge will help one find paradise and fulfillment. Wisdom and knowledge fuel growth and a sense of accomplishment in the mind of Sage brands. Therefore, they deliver the means to build one’s wisdom through […]

Kokoro tea beverage branding & packaging design

Kokoro tea branding and packaging design by Miriam Kechkuashvili

There are numerous trends that have been catching my eye recently. Stickerly design elements, cute and campy character illustrations, and a reboot of art nouveau typography are some worth mentioning. Another one, as exemplified here, is charcoal or graphite textured illustrations that are more low fidelity. Kokoro is a tea brand featuring three initial blends include […]

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