Restaurant branding and concept development book - The Bullhearted Brand
REstaurant branding book

The Bullhearted Brand

Building Bullish Restaurant Brands That Charge Ahead of the Herd

Available in hardback, ebook, and audiobook versions.

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Grab the bull, and your restaurant brand, by the horns

The statistics are infamous with anyone in the industry–newbie or veteran. Many restaurants never make it past year one, and even less make it to year five. But why? What’s are the causes of such high rates of failure? While one can argue for one cause or another, the truth is that it’s rarely one thing that causes failure. Instead, it’s usually a perfect storm of multiple causes that lead to a failing business model. It’s my belief, that most, if not all, of these causes could be avoided through an understanding and adoption of branding best practices.

When true branding best practices guide the development and growth of a restaurant concept, the risk of failure is reduced. 

Video coming soon. For now, enjoy how English sounds to Italians.

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What's Inside the book
Extras & Downloads

In The Bullhearted Brand, I mention links to valuable resources that will help you frame up your restaurant brand. These resources help you set a process for building restaurant brands that charge ahead of the herd. Note: Password required.

Example Brand Standards Manual

Brand manuals document the details of a brand’s strategic framework, its visual identity, and its verbal identity. Every brand should have one. Here’s an example.

Golden Lasso Diagram

Visualizing The Golden Lasso is important for reminding everyone of the platforms of the brand and the unique relationship with the Patrons it seeks to attract.

Archetypes Card Deck

Power Your Brand Strategy Workshops with these amazing card decks

Having the right tools for restaurant branding and brand strategy workshops and workstreams are the key to success. I’ve created two card decks that help you harness the power of the group to excavate foundational meaning. The Personality card deck and Archetypes card decks will equip you with the power to build bullish restaurant brands.

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